School for Christian Growth Classes

Classes are free and open to all. We serve a light vegetarian dinner before the class, for which we request a $5 donation. We value the conversation and sense of community we share during the meal and clean-up and find it deepens our connection to the classes that follow. Dinner starts at 6:45 and classes begin at 7:30.

We generally offer two classes per term, which are now online. You need not be a member of Seekers Church to participate.

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Fall Semester 2008 – First term

Tuesdays, September 9 – October 14 from 7:45-9:30
All are invited to share a light dinner before the class beginning at 7 pm. 



Led by Jeannine Caracciolo and Ruth Alice White
This discussion group will explore the history and science of global warming, personal values and habits as they relate to climate change, and personal actions to curb the effects of global warming.   How does our caring about climate and adverse climate changes and their effects on the vulnerable and poor worldwide relate to our faith and our core spiritual values? We’ll use a discussion guide from the Northwest Earth Institute ( and supplement it with material from Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light (an interfaith resource for faith-based learning and action).  We’ll also draw on Brian McLaren’s Everything  Must Change, Jesus and the Global Revolution of Hope and other sources. Jeannine and Ruth Alice, as the course conveners, will provide the structure and materials for lively exploration and discussion.

The discussion guide is $20.



Led by Marjory Bankson and Margreta Silverstone
Do you ever wonder "Who’s really in charge around here?"  Do you long for a simple organizational chart rather than a personal story?  Are you intrigued by the invitation to offer a class? Display your art? Preach a sermon?  Ask for money from the Growing Edge Fund?

Join us for a six-week exploration of the culture and practices that make Seekers a viable spiritual community with distributed leadership.  Together, Marjory and Margreta will bring lots of experience and creativity to leading the class.  You can expect weekly reading assignments (biblical and otherwise), writing and sharing in class.  Whether you’ve been coming to Seekers a long time or a short time, you can expect to learn and grow in your understanding of this particular Body of Christ.

School of Christian Living Summer Term 2008

Tuesdays, 7 pm to 9:30 pm
June 24 to July 29

Spiritual Growth through Cinema

Hosted by Kevin Barwick and David Lloyd
Commercial films often depict characters facing spiritual challenges.  Come join us as we view six films and discuss these challenges within a Christian context, finding parallels in our own spiritual development.  Each week we will start viewing a film promptly at 7 p.m. (as you eat a brown bag supper that you brought) and discuss significant scenes.  Films include Academy Award winners and nominees, such as Chariots of Fire and The Mission and blockbusters such as Pay it Forward.