“How Our Good News Became Bad News for the Jews” by Deborah Sokolove

April 14, 2024

Third Sunday of Easter

Last Sunday, the Gospel reading was the familiar one from John 20, in which Thomas said that he could not believe that Jesus was risen unless he saw the mark of the nails in his hands with his own eyes, put his own finger in the mark of the nails, and placed his own hand in the wound on Jesus’s side. This week, as we have just heard, Luke 24:36b-48 also records a scene in which Jesus invites the disciples to look at and touch his hands and feet, saying “Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”…

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“Sermon of Teresa L. Ramsey” by Teresa Ramsey

April 7, 2024

Second Sunday of Easter

Good morning, Seekers Family. I did not expect that I would be giving a sermon here again, yet here I am. Further proof that I do not see the future this is. The topic that I want to speak about and the scriptures I want to use are both Easter related, so when this date was open and just one week after Easter, I signed up. I am thinking that someone listening today needs to hear this message. In any event, I want to share it.

Resurrecting Faith is our current theme. My theme is a subset of that, how do we awaken spiritually and how can we establish conscious contact with God?…

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“Resurrecting Faith” by Elizabeth Gelfeld

March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

Text: Mark 16:1-8

When Paul Holmes came up here to preach a few weeks ago, he commented that Erica’s sermon of the previous Sunday was a tough act to follow. Then, during the time of reflections after his sermon, Erica said that she wouldn’t want to have to follow Paul, either. And Dave, who was set to preach the next week, said he was a bit nervous about following both of them.

Throughout the six weeks of Lent, members of Seekers’ Racial and Ethnic Justice Ministry Team have brought to us the word in a series of sermons that went beyond anything I’ve heard before in their probing of topics around White privilege and White supremacy, their relentless questioning of our assumptions and habits, and their unblinking courage in confession.…

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2024 Easter Liturgy: Resurrecting Faith




Mary and Mary Magdalen loved with such a perfect love that they shed their fear. Certainly they grieved and experienced their hope flagging during the dark moments surrounding Jesus’ death. But they never lost their faith. It remained a small, steady flame that was fanned to brilliant, bold new life in the light of that Easter dawn. They challenge us to love and believe.

Joyce Hollyday, An Invitation” in Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, p. 384, Plough Publishing House, 2003…

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