2024 December Stewards Minutes


 Stewards Minutes

December 8, 2024 in person

Present: Marjory Bankson (notes), Peter Bankson (moderator), Kolya Braun-Greiner, Ken Burton, Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz, Jeanne Marcus, Sandra Miller (meditation), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji.

Absent:  Cynthia Dahlin, David Lloyd, John Morris


Next meeting: 12 January, 2025 at 4 pm on Zoom.

Moderator – Deborah

Recorder – Judy

Meditation leader – Kolya

2025 Calendar: Margreta  

Jan-Feb meetings will be on zoom. March-October will be in person.

Marjory again noted the pressure on the CoS Council Rep caused by our time and date shift (Council meets every other month on the second Sunday from 1:30-3:30). Glen suggested 4:30. SLT will discuss.

Carroll Café: Sandra & Glen

Carroll Café has operated at Seekers since 2010. With three years out for covid, rebuilding a team of volunteers to do the work has been difficult. Sandra especially thanked Glen, Margreta and Deborah for their consistency and help throughout the years.

Two more concerts are scheduled in 2025:

  • January 17 with Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer
  • April 11th – In Process, an acapella group mentored by Berniece Reagan of Sweet Honey in the Rock

Website Oversight: Margreta  

For many years now, Deborah has carried the primary responsibility for administering the Seekers website with Katie’s help. To share that load and assist with oversight, Stewards formed the Seekers Website Advisory Team (SWAT) about 6 months ago. They have reviewed the whole website and are working on updates and repairing broken or non-existent links.

  • SWAT is Deborah, Glen, Joan, Ken, Margreta, Marjory and Peter.

Contacts in each mission group have been identified except for Earth & Spirit

  • Kolya identified herself as the contact for Earth & Spirit

Now that the Directory is no longer on the website (to prevent hackers from access to that information), that “private area” is no longer needed.

  • SWAT requests permission to delete the “Log In” command so all users have access to what is posted on the website. All agreed.

  • Note: All news items should be sent to Ken for posting.

Christmas Eve Service: Lessons & Carols, 7pm on Dec 24

  • People will be invited to bring cookies for a social hour after the service
  • Trish will send the announcement to Ken for posting
  • Sandra & Marjory volunteered to host the “cookie social” afterwards

Leave of Absence: Brenda

Reminding all of us that our commitment is to “care for the whole of Seekers,” Brenda asked for a 6-month leave of absence from Stewards to deal with personal and family issues. She remains in spiritual direction and mission group membership.

  • Noting how much we will miss her wisdom and experience, we all agreed to support her decision.

Pastoral concerns are not recorded.

After a wonderful holiday potluck dinner, Joan led us in a funny-story book-swap that lifted our spirits and sent us home smiling.

Notes by Marjory Bankson
