2023 August Stewards Minutes


 Stewards Minutes

Aug 6, 2023

Present: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson (moderator), Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (meditation), John Morris (recorder), Trish Nemore, Keith Seat, Brenda Seat, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji, Margreta Silverstone.

Absent: Vincent Shepherd, Elizabeth Gelfeld

Guests:  Liz Gould-Leger

Meditation: Sandra asked us to reflect on the question, “What are the lengths to which we would go for each other?”

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet Sunday, Sept 3, at 5:30 pm EDT on Zoom.

Moderator – Deborah

Recorder — Sandra

Meditation – Margreta

Self-Assessment of Spiritual Life of Our Mission Groups: Dave described the SLT’s idea for taking a look at how mission groups are doing.  Beginning next month, groups could report back to Stewards on this.  SLT developed questions to help with this, focusing on issues like developing servant leaders; a process for checking on spiritual health of mission groups; things that might be helpful to deepen growth in members; and who in the group is tending the spiritual health of members.  These questions (attached) will be sent to mission group moderators for discussion in the group.

In discussion, Deborah raised concern about the short turnaround time.  Trish said not to worry about deadlines – that the process is meant to help the mission group, not report back at a specific time to Stewards.  Marjory noted that it will be a rich activity in connection with Recommitment Season.

Time and Space Report on Recent Building Issues: Glen read some of the latest minutes of T&S, to give a picture of what’s going on in the building. The main concern is the replacement of the ramp.  The construction company will rebuild the ramp as soon as the new concrete wall is stable – not clear when that will be.  There is also a crack in the back porch, resulting from the process of getting the FIOS cable into the building.  Glen and Denise will repair it after the ramp is fixed.  Dave suggested a sign explaining how people who would have preferred to use the ramp can enter via the front door.

Peter reported that the elevator is now working after the power outage.  The AC system is also up and running.  The 7 condensers on the roof are showing their age (20 years), with some wires needing replacement.  T&S will look at a proposal to repair this.  A small roof leak will also be repaired this week, hopefully.

Seekers participation in Takoma Park Street Festival (Oct 1):  Keith, reporting for OMG, noted that Doug’s health issues have affected OMG’s involvement here – also, Keith and Oswaldo will be gone at critical periods.  They’ll need help from the wider Seekers community.  Sandra said that Carroll Cafe is having its first concert the following week.  A banner at the Street Festival would be a great idea – let people know Carroll Cafe is back.  Dave requested a list of activities so we can start trying to staff them.  The sense of Stewards is that we can make sure this participation takes place.

Bokamoso Update: Trish shared that, as we know, Bokamoso was not able to get visas last year.  Also, we’re losing some of the strong ties we’ve had in past years.  Roy is no longer on the board, and no longer at St. Andrews.  Sharon is not sure about continuing the Career Workshops.  Trish has been in touch with board members, and they are trying to understand what went wrong with the visas and how to fix it.  Not clear if progress has been made.  Rep. Raskin and Sen. Warren have been contacted.  There may be concern about some of the youth seeking asylum – which seems ridiculous, since they’ve been coming for decades.  Maybe some hostility because South Africa doesn’t support US policy in Ukraine?  Paul Holmes is in the loop on this too.

Update on SLT Search: Sandra said that the search team has met a couple of times.  No one has come forward with interest or questions.  Our history shows that a 3-member team is possible though not ideal.  The search team asked SLT to consider shorter commitments.  (A 3-year commitment is still preferred.)  They have reached out to a few people asking them to consider membership in SLT.

Pastoral Concerns were offered.

Two Stewards Shared – Ken and Keith.

Soul Talk – no notes.

Submitted by John Morris (8/13/2023)