2017 May Stewards Minutes

Stewards Minutes
May 7, 2017

Present: Marjory Bankson (recorder), Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge (angel), Michele Frome (worship), David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (angel), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Vincent Shepherd, Margreta Silverstone (moderator), Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen
Absent: Judy Lantz, Trish Nemore.
Visitors: Larry Rawlings, Glen Yakushiji.

Worship was offered by Michele with a reading by Richard Rohr on “Avoiding Transformation.”

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet on Sunday, June 4, 5:30pm at the church.
Moderator: Dave         Worship: Peter
Recorder: Ken            Angels: Brenda & Keith (happy anniversary!)

Report from the Sunday School Team: Dave
Michele has arranged for a work project on June 11; they need some adult chaperones.
All the older kids want to attend Camp Pecometh, which means we will exceed the budget amount by $600. We will solicit donations.
Henry Teagle will return from his Texas school in May & we are working with Celebration Circle to honor/welcome him back.
After June 25, the kids will we are working with Celebration Circle be in worship for much of the summer. Most will be gone in June and July, so we need bags of quiet activities for the younger children.
We’ve discussed baptism with the middle teens: Oslin, India and Makayla are interested, but reluctant to do it in full view of the congregation. Cynthia offered an example of baptism after the service.  We are working with Celebration Circle on this.
The SS Team is working with parents around behavioral norms for the younger boys.
The SS Team is working with Time & Space to upgrade play equipment in back.

Report from OMG: Joan
OMG recommends that Seekers participate in the Takoma Park Street Festival on the first Sunday of October, even though it might conflict with the Stewards meeting. Brenda suggested that Stewards meet on Oct 8, somewhere other than the sanctuary. SLT will follow-up on that.
Question: is OMG coordinating the update of Seekers pubs? Not at this point.
Deborah promised the new website soon [Deborah & Katie on design; Peter & Ken checking accuracy; Glen & Denise offering technical help] which will coordinate design with the OMG brochure and new logo depiction.

Discussion based on January Visioning Exercise: Brenda
We broke into two groups for 30 minutes of discussion around SLT questions. Results are summarized below.

  • Social Advocacy & Empowerment: Brenda
    • We want to streamline the process and focus energy on 3-5 specific areas.
    • Create a process for endorsement with integrity
    • Want to use the resources of other denominations for theological underpinnings
    • Draw on wisdom and experience of denominations to avoid jeopardizing our non-profit status
      Follow-up: Deborah, Cynthia and others.
  • Relevance and Connections with Church of the Saviour (Dayspring/Wellspring): Dave
    • Our core identity derives from Church of the Saviour (call, commitments, SCL, mission groups, silence)
    • Suggest topically-based gatherings at Dayspring for conversations with other CofS churches (eg SCL, worship, when to end a group, etc.)
    • Beyond the personal disciplines suggested by inward/outward, Seekers would like to offer our practices to other  churches (eg Greensboro group in church today)
    • Want a Church of the Saviour website where we can share writings, reflections, even videos
    • Follow-up: Marjory, Peter, Dave, Ken

Sharing and Soul Talk: Because Judy was scheduled to share this month but was absent, we moved into Soul Talk after dinner.

Submitted by
Marjory Bankson
May 8, 2017

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2017 June Stewards Minutes
2017 April Stewards Minutes