2015 August Stewards Minutes
Seekers Church
August 2, 2015 Stewards Meeting
Marjory Bankson Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick (designated worship leader), Ken Burton (recorder), Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Michele Frome, Judy Lantz (dinner angel), David Lloyd (angel), Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore (angel), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Vincent Shepherd (dinner angel), Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Jacqie Wallen.
Margreta Silverstone.
Larry Rawlings.
Stewards will meet on Sunday, September 13 at 5:30pm (Conover-Nemore house)
Ken announced that Celebration Circle would be meeting on Tuesday evenings beginning in September and continuing through May. This is to allow Michele to attend meetings while also participating in the clinical aspect of her second CPE unit. (Subsequent to the meeting, CC determined to meet at 5:00 on Tuesday evenings to permit members to participate in the School of Christian Living.)
consisted of the reading of the Stewards commitment statement preceded and followed by silence.
Additional Member(s) for the SLT: Brenda
Brenda announced that she and Trish, the current SLT members, were ready to have additional members. The process for doing this will be a follows:
- Marjory, Peter, Deborah, Sandra, and Larry volunteered to serve on the Discernment Team, and other Seekers members may be added later.
- : Larry
- Larry reported that we are now registered to participate in the festival.
- A concern was raised about our ability to participate because the memorial service for Jacqie’s son, Eric, will be held at Seekers at 1:00 on the same day as the Festival.
- Jacob Folger Update: Brenda and Trish
: Keith and others
Carroll Café
Space ministry
Front window display and box of flyers
Takoma Park Folk Festival participation
Art Hop
School of Christian Living
Web site
Individual conversations
Mark’s Kitchen
Individual involvement
Sharing financial resources
Books written by Seekers
Books mentioning Seekers
Articles in journals
Professional conferences
Wild Goose Festival
Outreach in the C of S context
Sacred Conversations
A longer segment will be part of the September Stewards meeting.
Keith and Ken
concluded our meeting.
Submitted by Ken Burton